Major Infractions

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What are minor and major infractions

Infractions refer to any actions that are against the rules of the institute. Some are minor, like cutting line, talking in class, or moving out of one’s seat without permission. Minor infractions only result in low-level consequences like warnings, time out, lunch detention, or afterschool detention.

Other infractions are major, like stealing, fighting, or putting oneself or others in danger. Major infractions normally result in upper-level consequences, such as suspension, probation, or expulsion.

In simple terms, any action that substantially hinders and/or discourages a student from learning, a teacher from teaching, or the institute from maintaining its standards will be deemed a major infraction. Other than the few examples mentioned before, there are other major infractions that all students, parents, and staff should be aware of.

Here’s a list of some important major infractions…

Like any major infraction, the following infractions will likely result in upper-level consequences. If not in the first instance, then definitely in the second instance:

  1. Hitting with aggression: Physically harming any student out of anger, spite, revenge, or to cause fear.
  2. Bullying: Please see the section on bullying for more information.
  3. Gross Insubordination: Insubordination happens when a student refuses to follow reasonable instructions or directives issued by staff. Repeated or chronic instances of insubordination lead to gross insubordination.

Inappropriate language and immoral conversations

Maintaining a productive Islamic environment requires a standard that is much higher than normal private institutes. This is especially the case when it comes to the usage of our tongues. Keeping the religious moral compass in mind, CJIIS treats repeated usage of inappropriate language as a major infraction. Common examples are:

  1. Using words that suggest adult themes
  2. Using immoral, obscene, or lewd language
  3. Making any direct or indirect gestures towards the abovementioned things
  4. Using words (online or offline) to cover up, filter, or suggest swear words or profanities

Why is it so strict

The goal of Islamic institutions is tarbiyah (correct upbringing), and tarbiyah is also the reason why so many parents are willing to sacrifice their time, money, and personal goals when sending their own children to an Islamic institute. To uphold the high moral standards of Islam, protect the environment from negative influences, and fulfill the goal of tarbiyah, strict measures must be taken for the sake of all students.

If upper-level consequences are carried out against a child, it is not done on a whim, but only after careful consideration and in light of clear evidence. In most cases, the effects of negative behavior are far-reaching and cause a negative impact on several students at a time. In such cases, it is tarbiyah of the offending child as well when he receives upper-level consequences, even if it may result in expulsion.

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