Graduation & Certification
Hifz Certification
Being a Hafiz is not only about memorizing the Qur’an. It’s a very high honor and an important role for the student in their own community. At CJIIS, we take the role of a Hafiz very seriously.
Any student graduating from CJIIS is issued a Hifz Certification showing that the student has truly excelled in their standing as a Hafiz and that they display competency in leading the community in Salah.
Graduation Requirements
In order for a student to graduate as a Hafiz from CJIIS, the student must complete the Hifz certification exam, which includes:
- Memorization of the entire Qur’an along with a Spot-Test and 30-Juz’ Test.
- Final Hifz exam: This is normally taken after a student completes multiple revisions after their 30-Juz’ Test. However, it may be taken earlier as well.
- Final tajweed exam, both written and practical application portions.
- Introductory Fiqh exam.
Upon completion of the four parts of the Hifz certification exam, the student is qualified to take the role as a certified Hafiz of CJIIS.
For more information regarding the details of each type of examination, please see “Types of Examinations” under this section.